Why Hiring Expats is a Fantastic Idea!

In the contemporary landscape, an increasing number of individuals are showing a willingness to relocate to foreign countries and embrace living as an expat. This trend is more pronounced than ever before, with young talents seeking not only adventure but also recognizing intercultural competence as a valuable soft skill with far-reaching benefits. Germany, in particular, grapples with a labor shortage, known as "Fachkräftemangel" in German, yet only 36% of German companies are engaging in international hiring.

We firmly believe that companies neglecting to explore international talent pools are missing out on exceptional employees. Here are the compelling qualities expatriates bring to the table:

  1. Curiosity as the Cornerstone:

    Curiosity ranks as the most important trait among expats, serving as the foundation for a successful overseas endeavor. Without an innate inquisitiveness to delve into foreign cultures and landscapes, the desire to relocate may remain dormant. Once expats set foot in their new overseas home, their curiosity blossoms. Living abroad transforms them into sponges, avidly absorbing the richness and diversity of their novel surroundings.

  2. Flexibility:

    A Newly Forged Strength: Flexibility is a character trait that may require nurturing, particularly for those accustomed to rigid planning. Individuals who may have previously identified with a "type A" personality find adapting to the unexpected quite challenging when immersing themselves in a new culture. Expats must be prepared to be flexible and adaptable, as the demands of a new culture necessitate it. While changing beliefs and habits overnight is implausible, over time, they become more open to embracing this novel way of life.

  3. Cultivating Resilience:

    Resilience quietly and stealthily develops during an expat's time abroad, becoming an essential trait. The expat lifestyle inevitably brings its fair share of challenges, and it is in facing moments of uncertainty and difficulty, and choosing to persist and persevere, that resilience is forged.

  4. The Virtue of Patience:

    Patience is an invaluable personality trait for expats, often becoming a daily companion depending on the chosen destination. Learning a language, adapting to a new culture or simply securing an appointment at the foreigners’ hall: Expats need to learn patience when they want to make their adventure a long-term success.

  5. Creative Communication:

    Moving to a foreign country where one is not fluent in the local language necessitates expatriates to master creative communication. They must learn to express themselves without relying solely on words. A limited vocabulary may compel expatriates to supplement their expressions with gestures or utilize translation apps when feasible. They also must learn different communication-styles. In Germany, being very direct is normal while other cultures might find that unfriendly. Understanding that communication is “what the listener” hears in comparison “what has been said” is key.

In Conclusion, we firmly believe that the qualities developed and already possessed by expats make them outstanding employees. Collaborating with individuals who are curious, flexible, resilient, patient, and adept at communication is an asset to any company. Furthermore, another compelling reason to consider hiring abroad is the vastness of the global market, which increases the likelihood of finding the right candidate.

Christine is a co-founder of Jetztpat. She was raised in the so-called Schwabenländle but fell in love with travelling to random places very early in life. After living in Japan and Taiwan for several years, she finally went back home to stay in the German beer capital (where she survives by drinking wine). If she is not watching her favorite Japanese Netflix show aggretsuko, you can find her Googling answers to the real questions in life.


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