How to complete the German visa VIDEX form for your work visa
When applying for a work or student visa at the German embassy, you'll need to fill in VIDEX form. We'll explain the do's and dont's

German Visa Photo Requirements
In addition to all the paperwork you’ll need for your German visa, it’s also essential to have a stash of high-quality biometric photographs to use as you submit your applications and receive your documents. It is super important to comply with the German requirements so that you can prepare your photo for your German visa as smoothly as possible and avoid unnecessary delays. Read our guide on photo requirements!

German Residence Permit vs. Blue Card
What’s the difference between a blue card and a residence permit? Britt, our Jetztpat who’s held both types of permits, helps break it down.

The Guide to German Visas
There is no shortage of German visa types, which is why it’s so tricky to understand which one you qualify for (not to mention how to obtain your German visa if you meet those qualifications). In this comprehensive guide, we break down three common visas types: 1. Short Stay Visas, 2. Long Stay Visas, 3. Residence Permits.