How to secure a visa appointment at the German embassy in Islamabad

Securing a visa appointment at the German embassy in Islamabad for obtaining a German blue card or work permit can be challenging due to the high demand in many German embassies worldwide. In response to the numerous inquiries we've received regarding the embassy in Islamabad, we have created this article to guide you through the process of scheduling an appointment at the German embassy in Islamabad.

In this article, we will provide instructions on how to book an appointment for a German work visa, specifically for work purposes (such as the blue card or work permit for qualified labor). If your plans involve relocating with your spouse or children, we strongly advise reading our article and following the guidelines.

When applying for a German work visa, you can select from two appointment categories:

  • "Appointment waiting list to apply for a work visa (for stays exceeding 90 days)"

  • "Appointment waiting list to apply for a work visa - Only for applicants with pre-approval as per §81a Residence Act Residence Act"

The first category is the standard procedure for securing an appointment. Unfortunately, the waiting period for this appointment can be lengthy, as it depends on the volume of applications and the embassy's staffing. Accurately predicting the waiting time is challenging.

Additionally, if you intend to relocate with your spouse or children, they must also schedule a separate appointment under the category "Appointment waiting list to apply for a visa for family reunion or marriage (for stays exceeding 90 days)." Since work-related visas usually receive priority, obtaining a visa for your family members can take even longer through this category.

The accelerated procedure/fast track

Therefore, we recommend opting for the accelerated procedure or fast-track visa for work purposes. The accelerated procedure incurs a fee of 411 EUR per person. The advantages of this approach include:

  • Faster issuance of a German visa

  • The opportunity to relocate to Germany with your spouse and children, provided they can provide all necessary documents

Here are the steps to follow:

Before pursuing the accelerated procedure, we recommend seeking assistance from your employer or a relocation company. The accelerated procedure can be complex, as most of the communication is in bureaucratic German, and identifying the correct contact person can be challenging. Submitting your application to the wrong contact could lead to delays.

1. Identify the appropriate website and contact person

Instead of booking an appointment at the German embassy in Islamabad, you will apply at the local German foreigners' office for a German work visa. You should submit your application at your employer's location. If you plan to work in an office in Berlin, your application should be submitted to the foreigners' office in Berlin, where your employer must have an official presence.

2. Gather the necessary documents

The required documents may vary depending on the foreigners' office, therefore you must have a look at the local website. In general, you will need:

  • a valid passport

  • an employment contract

  • a declaration of employment (Erklärung zum Beschäftigungsverhältnis)

  • a CV

  • your degree (translated with degree equivalency and Apostille, if applicable)

  • reference letters from former employers (for those in IT without a degree)

You will also need to sign a confirmation that you have not already requested an appointment at the embassy.

If you plan to relocate with your spouse or children, it is crucial to mention this in your application. Typical required documents include:

  • passports

  • a legalized marriage certificate

  • legalized birth certificates for your spouse and children

3. Submit your application to the foreigners' office

After submitting your documents to the foreigners' office, you will need to exercise patience. Most foreigners' offices aim to process applications within one to one and a half months, but some may take longer. If the waiting time exceeds your expectations, you may consider seeking support from an immigration lawyer.

4. Receive your visa approval

Once the foreigners' office has processed your application, you will receive either a confirmation or a rejection. Regardless of the outcome, you will need to pay a government fee of 411 EUR per person. After making the payment, you can proceed to book an appointment at the embassy in Islamabad.

5. Book the appointment at Islamabad

You can now book an appointment at the embassy in Islamabad under the following category: "Appointment waiting list to apply for a work visa - Only for applicants with pre-approval as per §81a Residence Act Residence Act." The embassy in Islamabad is obligated to provide you with an appointment within three weeks.

6. Attend the appointment at Islamabad

Finally, you can visit the German embassy in Islamabad in person. Ensure you follow the provided instructions when scheduling your visa appointment. You will need to bring all your documents again and demonstrate that you have German health insurance. Within three weeks, the German embassy in Islamabad should issue your D-Visa.

7. Fly to Germany

You can immigrate to Germany once your visa becomes valid. If you applied for a German D-Visa for work purposes or a blue card, you may commence work from the date of visa validity. However, it is important to contact your local foreigners' office soon after your arrival because you will need to transfer your D-Visa to a residence permit or blue card.

8. Complete city registration

After relocating to Germany, you must register your address within two weeks, a process known as "Anmeldung einer Wohnung." If you reside in a hotel, you won't be able to complete this process, so we recommend initiating it as soon as you find an apartment. If you are searching for housing, ensure that you are able to do the city registration, as some landlords refuse this process.

If you are unable to secure an appointment, there's no need to panic. Most Germans also face difficulties in completing this process within two weeks due to limited appointment availability.

9. Apply for a residence permit for work purposes or a blue card

As your D-Visa is only valid for 3-12 months, you will need to transition to a residence permit or blue card. Please be aware that this process may also take some time, so it's advisable to initiate it as early as possible. You can apply for it at your local city hall, where your place of residence becomes relevant. If you completed your city registration in Berlin, the Berlin foreigners' office will be responsible.

Obtaining a visa appointment at the German embassy in Islamabad may require time and careful preparation. To expedite the process, we recommend considering the accelerated procedure, especially if you plan to relocate with your family.

Christine is a co-founder of Jetztpat. She was raised in the so-called Schwabenländle but fell in love with travelling to random places very early in life. After living in Japan and Taiwan for several years, she finally went back home to stay in the German beer capital (where she survives by drinking wine). If she is not watching her favorite Japanese Netflix show aggretsuko, you can find her Googling answers to the real questions in life.


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